Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rainyyy... :(


Ok so today kinda sucks except that I get to be on  my laptop all day blogging haha. Anyways it's raingin like heck!! it won't stopp. 
It's been rainging since i went to bed last night at like around 1 AM and now its 2 PM. See what I mean with rainyyy? But it's nice to just relax some days lol. 
Another thing that sucks right now is that the internet is rly badd! Arghhhh I'm in lovee with the internet so it rly sucks haha. 
Anyways gonna talk about the GOOD stuff instead now haha. 
Ok so right now I'm listening to "World of Chances" by Demi Lovato which is on her new Album "Here We Go Again". Her new album is just simply amazing! I love all the songs on it! haha.
And oh yah. My Birthday is on Saturday! The 25th of Julyyyy! :D :D Yay then i'm officially a teenager. lol. Wish i was 17 though haha. don't know why it just seems like a good year ;)
Anyway. Tomorrow me and my frnd Emma which I've known for like 7 yrs now. We're going to our favorite café Franks Coffee. Neither of us likes Coffee or the smell of it haha. But they have amazing cakkessss! haha. They're sooooooooooo good. lol. yummmm. I'm thinkin of takin their Chocolate cake with Whipcream...that sounds goood right? lol.
Then at like 3 PM we're going to see The Proposal with Sandra Bullock in it! Everyone says it's a rly funny movie so I guess its good lol.

Song of the Day - To be With You - David Archuleta 
I'm listening to this song right now and it always hits me with tears everytime i hear it! 

Gotta Go Now! :) 