Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Ok so this is the first time I'm writing a blog from my phone so I'm sorry if I do any typo wrong haha. Anyways it's soon 12:00 am and I'm waking up at 7 am tomorrow :S coz we are going to Mallorca :)

Song of the day: Bubbly - David Archuleta cover :)

Anywys i gotta go

Monday, August 3, 2009


I'm sorry...again! That I haven't posted alot the last few days but i've been busy and my internet sucks right now! :(

Anyways. The things that has been going on is alot actually haha.
Well last week or something I got a call back for a Shaun White (The Snowboarder) Commercial!!! But it was in Brooklyn, New York and the day AFTER the day they told me so I couldnt go :( Guess if I was bummed?! :'(
Anyway then I sent in an email for Sonny With a Chance with Demi Lovato in it and hoping for them to write back haha.
And on Wednesday we're going to Mallorca for around a week so I maybe won't have as much time for blogging then. Sorry AGAIN. Hahah.
Oh Yeah! I'm writing a story now. Which is already 6 pages! haha. But I'll post it here when I'm finished which will probably be after the summer lol. 
And me and my friend Franki made up our own day Happy Sisters Day which is on the 28th of December (Archie's Bday) since Happy Friendship Day was yesterday :) lol.

For you who don't know who Shaun White is...Here's a video with him

Anyways gotta go now!
Oh yeah. Song of The Day: A little too not over You - David Archuleta 
